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Continuous real-time carbon intensity measurement onboard a marine vessel is made possible by instrumenting carbon inputs, emissions parameters, and direct engine output via propellor thrust. The solution comprises instrumenting the propellor tail shaft to collect and analyzing stress measurement data relative to separately instrumented carbon intensity inputs. Key components of the solution comprise electronic sensor data, mechanical component design and integration, continuous non-contact powering of instrumentation on the rotating tail shaft, and associated software.

The greater goal of this measurement technology is to support the creation of vessel notational measurement schemes, through exercising fully instrumented test bed vessels, collection of comprehensive data sets indicating carbon intensity, and inclusive data examination supporting the drafting of class notification guidelines and owner value proposition. We are working with classification societies to provide vessel owners with assessment of their vessel energy efficiency in real time, verifying efforts to reduce carbon emissions that are commercially valuable through actual results. This approach bridges current data measurement gaps for carbon emission intensity on marine vessels, providing a basis for carbon intensity management that can result in energy savings, lower carbon emissions and operational optimization.

Work with us to add this important capability to your vessel and be ready for the future.


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